AMA RECAP: ABI Galaverse x AKA.Ventures

ABI Galaverse
6 min readFeb 23, 2022


Part 1: Guest Introduction

Host Duc Hieu: Welcome to the AMA livestream, I am Hieu from AKA.Ventures. Today, it is my honor to host this Ask Me Anything event with ABI Galaverse. Okay, let me introduce our guest, Mr. Cong. Can you tell us something about yourself?

Mr. Cong Do: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am Cong Do from the ABI Galaverse project. ABI Galaverse is a key-point project of ABI Game Studio and we consider ABI Galaverse as a huge milestone that ABI Game Studio will set in 2022. ABI Game Studio is one of four game publishers backed by OneSoft. In 2021, ABI Game Studio achieved many successes such as top 20 of the Global Game Publishers Award. I appreciate playing a part of AMA events with AKA.Ventures. ABI Galaverse is a gaming ecosystem where blockchain technology is applied to the game along with Free to Play and Play to Earn. Unlike many other NFT Games, ABI platform is where NFT and Defi meet together. We focus on building the ecosystem that many games can grow together. Galaxy Attack Revolution (GAR) is the first NFTs game in the ABI Galaverse ecosystem. GAR is inspired by Galaxy Attack Alien Shooter which was published by ABI Game Studio with more than 150 million global downloads and 2 million daily active users. I really hope our message will come to everyone and achieve your support.

Host: Thank you for your very detailed introduction. Moving on to the next part, I want to summarize that our event has two parts, the first one is about the answer of community questions, and the second is answering the live questions of viewers. Moreover, we have a $20 reward for each chosen question owner.

Part 2: Community Question

Question 1:

Host: On which blockchain platform will ABI Galaverse develop its smart contract and why did you choose it? Does ABI Galaverse have a plan for the game to run on other platforms like Polygon, Solona, because currently gas fees on networks are very cheap and accessible to players?

Mr. Cong Do: ABI Galaverse will develop smart contracts on BNB Chain. Big ecosystem, big community.

In the long-term plan, ABI Galaverse plans to develop its own SideChain, developing a bridge compatible with different platforms.

Question 2:

Host: With a guest who is an expert in Marketing, I have the following question, it will be very difficult to reach and attract players because there are many games being released on the market. Do you have any strategy to attract them, not only in Vietnam but also the whole world? Does the game have a target to hit any area?

Mr. Cong Do: ABI has experience in publishing and pushing many top 1 US games, and we are confident in attracting players. With the traditional game product GAAS, we have a large fan base in the US, Brazil, India, the Middle East, Indo and the Philippines.

In addition, ABI Galaverse is supported by partners with large communities around the world such as Senspark, Bombcrypto and HUB Global. We will soon announce other major partners.

Question 3:

Host: Currently the market is downtrend, will this affect the development of the project or not?

Mr. Cong Do: Platform construction project with long-term orientation. So whether the market is downtrend or uptrend does not affect ABI Galaverse.

Question 4:

Host: Earning money in the game is important, but for me, having fun while earning money is also very important. To some extent, does Galaxy Attack Revolution focus on the entertainment aspect of the game? What measures are in place to make the game suitable for everyone, including non-cryptocurrency users?

Mr. Cong Do: With 10 years of experience in game making, ABI always puts the user’s experience first, so it is sure that the product brought to players will be highly entertaining.

The spirit of the project is “free to play, play to earn”; therefore, everyone can access the game

Question 5:

Host: Hacking, Bugging is very easy to happen for a new game. User protection is indispensable and increases the reliability of the Game. So, has Galaxy Attack prepared or planned for any unnecessary risks for gamers and investors?

Mr. Cong Do: Hacking is possible but predictable. In-game transaction processing is recorded, similar to a bank’s system. If anything goes wrong and back up that transaction.

Part 3: Five live questions

Host: OK, Would you mind if I choose for you the first question.

Question 1:

Host: @onggiachoicoin I really like this game, however I have not known which platform Galaxy Attack: Revolution will do IDO on and when will be the specific IDO time?

Mr. Cong Do: The top 1 of our priorities is ABI Galaverse platform. Moreover, we are connecting with four other platforms. Of course, we will announce our newest information in all of our social media. Stay tuned and wait for our big hit this year!

Host: Mr. Cong, there are so many questions in the live chat box. Can you pick for yourself the second question today?

Question 2:

Mr. Cong Do: It is my pleasure, let me see, I choose “ABI Game Studio is known as a gigantic company in the game industry. Why do you make a move to the NFT field? Are you confident you will overcome the success in the traditional game industry?

Mr. Cong Do: As I said many times during this livestream. ABI Game Studio has been developing for 10 years, ABI Game Studio always aims to lead the new trend to adapt with the development. GameFi has huge potential and is booming this year. We don’t want to miss this race to build our own GameFi ecosystem first and will build other projects on this ecosystem.

Host: Haha, It is clearly seen that no one can skip this potential chance when you already have many advantages. The third question I hope you will choose the question about the competitive side.

Question 3:

Mr. Cong Do: Ok. I have already chosen the question. It is “@35-Bui Viet Minh Tuan. There are more and more NFT games these days. Do you have any concern about your competitors?

Mr. Cong Do: ABI Galaverse has many connections with successed projects such as BoomCrypto. Therefore, we can learn so much from BoomCrypto. Moreover, more NFT games actually is good for the community because people have many chances to gain experience about NFT games. Nevertheless, ABI Galaverse also welcomes new NFT projects and we do not have much pressure on the competition side.

Question 4:

Host: This is the fourth question that I find interesting. Can you answer it? ABI only supports PC devices? Will it be compatible with Android devices as well as iOS? Will it be released first in desktop version or mobile version?@chimchim1409

Mr. Cong Do: ABI specializes in mobile games so mobile systems are top priority. However, ABI Galaverse will be released in all operating systems.

Host: Next is the last question, the last one must be the luckiest because there are so many questions left in the live chat box.

Question 5:

Host: Does Galaxy Attack: revolution have any customized skin events for players? And how can we exchange or buy NFTs?

Mr. Cong Do: Firstly, I want to recommend downloading and playing Galaxy Attack: Alien Shooter of ABI Studio Game. Therefore, you can have a clearer view about Galaxy Attack: Revolution. As many NFT games, ABI Galaverse has its marketplace where players and investors can do their exchange at.

Host: At the end of the AMA, I have one more question for Mr. Cong Do. In an investor’s view and do not like or have time to play games. How can ABI Galaverse attract that kind of customers?

Mr. Cong Do: For those who do not have time to play games but want to invest in ABI Galaverse, in the first NFT game in ABI Galaverse, Galaxy Attack: Revolution we have idle mode that allow players to earn tokens during the offline time.

Host: That is the end of the AMA, Thanks all of you guys for enjoying the AMA tonight, for more information you can find us here.

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ABI Galaverse

ABI Galaverse is a gaming ecosystem where blockchain technology is applied to the game along with Free to Play and Play to Earn.